Monday, April 28, 2014

A is for: ADD (Writer's Challenge A-Z)

Click. Click. Click.
 I must get this typed out...
Click. Click. Click.  
Gah! My brain is numb!

 I'm alone in my house and at my computer. I'm TRYING to work at my blog but there are so many more things to distract me... I'm TRYING to be Good and stay focused on the task(s) at hand... Wait. Maybe THAT'S it! I'll make a list and one-by-one, get rid of the things that distract:

-I'm Tired
-It's Late
-Dogs Craving Attention
-Cats Craving Attention
-Books Calling to be Read
-Magazines Calling to be Read
-Crayons Calling

First I'll put the books, magazines, and crayons away where they belong....
That leaves:

-I'm Tired
-It's Late
-Dogs Craving Attention
-Cats Craving Attention
-Books Calling to be Read
-Magazines Calling to be Read
-Crayons Calling

Next, I'll let the dogs outside and feed the cats so they all quit their yowling...

-I'm Tired
-It's Late
-Dogs Craving Attention
-Cats Craving Attention
-Books Calling to be Read
-Magazines Calling to be Read
-Crayons Calling

There!  With all distractions taken care of, let's see if I can FINALLY get... *YAAAAAAWN!*
Oh well.....  Guess I'll let the dogs back inside before I FINALLY get to bed...
Night All!

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